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Youtube stars POLL: Smosh, Fred, Nigahiga or Shane?

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Wich Youtube Star is better?

Youtube stars POLL: Smosh, Fred, Nigahiga or Shane? Vote_lcap33%Youtube stars POLL: Smosh, Fred, Nigahiga or Shane? Vote_rcap 33% 
[ 2 ]
Youtube stars POLL: Smosh, Fred, Nigahiga or Shane? Vote_lcap0%Youtube stars POLL: Smosh, Fred, Nigahiga or Shane? Vote_rcap 0% 
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Youtube stars POLL: Smosh, Fred, Nigahiga or Shane? Vote_lcap33%Youtube stars POLL: Smosh, Fred, Nigahiga or Shane? Vote_rcap 33% 
[ 2 ]
Youtube stars POLL: Smosh, Fred, Nigahiga or Shane? Vote_lcap33%Youtube stars POLL: Smosh, Fred, Nigahiga or Shane? Vote_rcap 33% 
[ 2 ]
Youtube stars POLL: Smosh, Fred, Nigahiga or Shane? Vote_lcap0%Youtube stars POLL: Smosh, Fred, Nigahiga or Shane? Vote_rcap 0% 
[ 0 ]
Total Votes : 6

Youtube stars POLL: Smosh, Fred, Nigahiga or Shane? Empty Youtube stars POLL: Smosh, Fred, Nigahiga or Shane?

Post  avatarbobo Sun Jan 10, 2010 12:38 pm

Hey guys!! I created this POLL so we can know right now who is better. What do you think? Fred, Smosh, Nigahiga or Shane Dawson? VOTE!!

(Recommend this so we can get a lot of users Very Happy)


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Join date : 2010-01-08
Age : 34
Location : Guatemala

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Youtube stars POLL: Smosh, Fred, Nigahiga or Shane? Empty Re: Youtube stars POLL: Smosh, Fred, Nigahiga or Shane?

Post  Exzeta Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:45 pm

How the hell is this spam? Moved onto general.

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Location : Guatemala

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Youtube stars POLL: Smosh, Fred, Nigahiga or Shane? Empty Re: Youtube stars POLL: Smosh, Fred, Nigahiga or Shane?

Post  avatarbobo Mon Jan 11, 2010 10:37 am

sorry super admin Embarassed

so shane dawson is leading the poll... hahaha!


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Age : 34
Location : Guatemala

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Youtube stars POLL: Smosh, Fred, Nigahiga or Shane? Empty Nope!

Post  blargitown Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:55 pm

avatarbobo wrote:sorry super admin Embarassed

so shane dawson is leading the poll... hahaha!
Now Nigahiga, Smosh, and Shane Dawson are tied (i think Nigahiga is the best lol!)!

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Join date : 2010-01-08
Age : 27
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Youtube stars POLL: Smosh, Fred, Nigahiga or Shane? Empty Re: Youtube stars POLL: Smosh, Fred, Nigahiga or Shane?

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