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so finally Nigahiga made something for money! :O

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so finally Nigahiga made something for money! :O Empty so finally Nigahiga made something for money! :O

Post  avatarbobo Tue Jan 12, 2010 4:15 pm

watching my subscriptions windows on Youtube i discovered that Nigahiga made a video (finally!), but dont excite too much, its just an advertising video... FOR GOOGLE! as well as you hear, and the advertising is for the new Google Phone, called the Nexus One. It seems to be cool, but it only has 5 mpx in the camera (not too much, but still good). It has a Youtube application and its a bit like the iphone... it sounds cool, but i havent seen something REVOLUTIONARY to the phone... i still want an iPhone Razz

more info at [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

see you later guys

a pic of the phone:

so finally Nigahiga made something for money! :O Nexus-one-phone2


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Age : 34
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so finally Nigahiga made something for money! :O Empty Re: so finally Nigahiga made something for money! :O

Post  Exzeta Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:00 pm


Not all caps see.


That phone seems cool.

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Location : Guatemala

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so finally Nigahiga made something for money! :O Empty Re: so finally Nigahiga made something for money! :O

Post  avatarbobo Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:07 am

i saw the last smosh video, and it was sponsored by google too! google is making it really good... now all the people knows the phone!! i want the SHUT UP! app...


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Age : 34
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so finally Nigahiga made something for money! :O Empty Re: so finally Nigahiga made something for money! :O

Post  blargitown Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:17 pm

DROID!!!! lol

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so finally Nigahiga made something for money! :O Empty Re: so finally Nigahiga made something for money! :O

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